Sunday, July 26, 2020

Do the Best We Can

Do the Best We Can

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 01:00 AM PDT

"The Lord doesn't expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn't (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our Heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can—that we work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be."

Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Two Principles for Any Economy," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 56

Topics: Work
Well, it is now the year 2020 and I had forgotten that I had created this blog. The only reason I found it is because my granddaughter now has a blog.

I still have a strong testimony of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I still believe that only through obedience to Heavenly Father's law can we find happiness.  I know I have.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daylight Saving Time Is Healthy

  • This is from: "6 Tips to Deal with Daylight Savings Time" by Lisa Barnes

  • Health: DST provides more daylight for outdoor exercise and yard work in the evenings, which could improve fitness levels. It also provides more opportunities for sun exposure, which triggers vitamin D synthesis in the skin. However, more sun exposure could lead to higher rates of skin cancer, according to some experts. And some new research shows that heart attacks increase the days following the spring time change (when we lose an hour), but decrease after the fall time change (when we gain an hour).
  • Safety: In the weeks following the spring time change, there are more traffic accidents. But overall, during the course of DST there are fewer traffic fatalities than during standard time.
  • Energy Consumption: While it had been hypothesized that DST would help to conserve energy, several studies have shown that DST leads to increased energy and fuel consumption.
  • Economy: Some industries, like retail businesses and golf courses, benefit from DST, as consumers have more time to shop and play. But other industries including farming, theaters, and prime time television suffer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Seek the Kingdom

When I think about seeking the kingdom, I think about peace and happiness. Two necessary goals to reach the kingdom are constantly improving my relationship with my Heavenly Father and constantly doing what I can to improve my health.
Improving my relationship with my Heavenly Father includes: keeping his commandments, loving and caring for my family, daily personal prayer and family prayer, daily study of the scriptures, going to church on the Sabbath, and following Jesus’ examples every day about serving others. To help me with this goal, I became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 34 years ago. I’m very thankful for that blessing
For improving my health, I have tried different avenues. I have been struggling with weight control for about 35 years. I go down and then I go up. I look at picture of me now when I was in my 20’s and think “what was wrong with me, I looked great! Why did I think I was fat?” I look at pictures of me in my 40’s and I can’t believe the weight gain; it is bad (51 pounds). This year my husband, who is also over weight, and I are determent to lose most of the weight. On January 12, 2010 we started counting calories. To help us, my husband found an application on the Iphone called “lose It.” It worked great for 6 weeks, but then I got stuck. I was eating 823 calories a day and not losing any weight and I was feeling sick. My husband kept telling me I was not eating enough. In 6 weeks I lost 18 pounds and then I got stuck. I almost gave up but my husband, who is always educating himself, told me that he had been getting some good tips from The first day I spent a few minutes and signed up for membership. The second day I spent 2 hours reading about SparkPeople and reading the tips. The third day I spent 6 hours reading and I bought the “The Spark” book and “The Spark: Fit, Firm & Fire up in 10 Minutes a Day” DVD. I like what I’m reading in SparkPeople, the content and community. To improve my health I will be taking SparkPeople’s advice: Eat more calories (1200 to 1500), drink 8 glasses of water, exercise for at least 90 minutes a week, keep reading the tips on, and become more active in the SparkPeople community. I’m so thankful for SparkPeople for giving me hope.
Thank you Donald for being such a loving husband.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Unsure of what I'm doing

I'm not sure what I'm doing. This is my first blog. SparkPeople recommended. My husband thinks if fine.